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Sunday evening into Monday?

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Sunday evening into Monday?
  • The weather here in the desert has been unseasonably warm and always sunny, though the forecast says MAYBE rain on Wednesday.
    The old dog got vestibular but she's fighting hard and coming back from it, God love her. She's feisty!
    Really nice 3-day weekend. I didn't do much. There's something going around and somehow I've managed to sleep in (8:00!!!) for 2 days. Maybe it's going to snow. That's just crazy. But I must be fighting something with all that sleep. I feel okay, though so I'm thankful. Now to get up early tomorrow!
    I have a job interview in the morning early. It's a promotion and the job is in Nashville. TN is a good retirement state. I wish it was Knoxville but... At least there will be green trees and grass. I've decided my soul really needs greenery. I've got a couple more applications out there, 2 in DC that are promotions. One Outer Banks near my friends - not a promotion but it's park service and I doubt I'll even get an interview. One in NJ which would be at the same place as the Stb rescue I used to go to. Plus it would be traveling and that would be cool. But not a promotion so. Kind of a waste, I guess. I'm trying to position myself for retirement. The travel pay would make up some but...
    I'm kind of thinking out loud here. I sure hope everyone is okay. Sorry for the long lapses. I get in ruts and it's hard to be productive. I'm feeling pretty good right now. Work is busy as always. A bit frustrating with the "way we do it in China Lake" nevermind that it's the WRONG way. So thankful for my supervisor. We are definitely on the same page. He's trying to get out of here, too. Hopefully not before me!! lol
    Enjoy the new week and MK, please try to stay warm. So dangerous when you're wet. Maybe a hot shower THEN the electric blanket immediately following. I hope you're okay.
    Love you guys.
  • All the best with your move Hunter.  Tennessee is a great place for horses too!  Outer Banks is a nice place to visit...  but honestly, do you want Hurricanes?  I'll take earthquakes over tornadoes and hurricanes any day!

    Back has been a real problem last few days.  Have been able to keep on with things but at a much slower rate.  

    took Socks out in the nice cart yesterday.  He was a good boy.  I need to adjust the axle as the seat is too far back.

    Hope everyone has a great monday.