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Storming Saturday

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Storming Saturday
  • We split up and rushed to get chores done before the thunderstorm hit.
    I did horses and he did cows.
    Done and in the house just as the rain started.

    We are desperate for rain but doesn't look like we will get much.
    Every bit helps but is suppose to be windy so it will quickly dry out again.

    Had an interesting ride last night on Tex.
    We rode at C's sisters. Where we don't get to ride very often. They have a game ranch with
    White tail, Black buck antelope and Fallow.

    Tex wanted to play with an armadillo and objected when I asked him to move on.
    Then there was a herd of antelope running and he thought he should go with them.
    Another armadillo and then a buzzard flow out of a deer stand.
    He did fine but I was hoping for a more leisurely ride.

    Storm has cancelled B's visit and ride.
    Maybe tomorrow.

    Everyone have a fun weekend!
  • Saturday was spent putting 3 rooms in house back together after having them painted. Decided to pay someone to do it. Took him 3 days and he put 2 coats on. Looks awesome. If we had done it, we may have been done by the end of the summer.

    Storms are on the way. Right now we are doing good with rainfall.