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Friday - Short Day

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Friday - Short Day
  • Working from home this morning then heading to the NC coast. Will see Christmas lights at Brookgreen Garden tonight. Hoping to be dry Saturday morning so we can do a long walk on the beach. Then the rain moves in, hopefully after lunchtime. The plan was to go camper shopping down there, but we already have the camper, but still are going. May visit a pinball museum if it is open Saturday. Visited one in NJ and it was a lot of fun. 

    New farrier visited yesterday which means old farrier, ME, is retired. I really wanted someone who is properly trained doing their feet, and that person was not me. She said I had done good and no issues. She found a 2nd small abscess on Fancy and one on Apache we didn't know about. They have both been looking fine lately.

    When we come home we come back to a chance of winter weather Sunday night thru Monday. I think upstate will get it, not us.

  • It has rained all day here. I did an extra volunteer shift to catch things up. I wish I had put the rain sheets on this morning. It is mid 40's but I didn't expect all day rain. Now that I am home I will put them on. I always worry they will get too warm? No plan for this evening except a cozy fire. I hope everyone is dry and warm.