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Thursday's Thanksgiving

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Thursday's Thanksgiving
  • We are doing an unusual Thanksgiving.
    Going out to dinner.
    Pilot's cousin is meeting us.

    It already felt strange yesterday with no cooking or preparing to be done.
    Sis is working today so we will do a family dinner on Saturday.
    They have requested my "pecan cobbler of death." Pilot will also do a pie.
    Not sure what else. My sneaky plan is to go to the grocery store tomorrow on black Friday.
    It should be a peaceful?

    We received bad news last night about another dear friend's health.
    His cancer has spread and he has decided against chemo.
    In his upper eighties the chemo would be devastating to his quality of life.
    He is considering a new immune-therapy? Healthy cells are grown outside the body and introduced to perhaps attack the cancer cells.

    I hope Grumpy Princess thrives.
    Happy Thanksgiving all!

  • Sorry to hear about your friend.

    We did Thanksgiving at The Barn for the first time in 4 years. It was good and it is more fun when we skip a few years.