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Sunday Sending

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Sunday Sending
  • thoughts for Stude and JMBear.
    I hope all is well.

    It is tinder dry and HOT here.
    Horses are starting to cough from the dust in their pens.
    I have been dumping their waters into instead of out of the pens. And hosing down everyone's pen when they are turned out.

    Pilot is under the weather so mostly lazing around today.

    Everyone be safe.
  • It's been pretty hot here in Oak Run too.  With the heat and smoke, I don't go outside much, not that it helps much as I have a swamp cooler in my window  drawing in the outside air...

    Thanks for the kind words, thoughts, and prayers.  We need 'em all.  I'm hoping the people we evac'ed were just acting in an excess of caution.  The way this fire has been behaving, one can't be too careful!  So many beautiful homes, historic buildings and landmarks lost.  Not to mention two firefighters a Great-grandmother and two of her great-grandchildren.  Horrible, just horrible.