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Monday trying to make

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Monday trying to make
  • it rain.
    I did some watering yesterday and scheduled a ride for today.
    Connie $1 per bale?
    I am paying $8. I plan to pick up a round on the way to Board meeting this evening.
    If they have any and if it is not raining. Why is it when I have time to haul hay they either don't have it or it is raining?

    I hope Stude is recovering and being kind to himself. Loss of blood is very scary but I have learned that pints can be lost and still recover.

    The funeral for our pilot friend was very nice. I can't look at the sky without thinking of him and the song I'll Fly Away coming to mind.

    Father's day was a quiet one. Pilot wanted to drive down by the river and stop at the burger joint so we did.

    I hope everyone has a kind week.
  • Yes.  $1/bale.  They weigh forty or fifty pounds...more like forty or forty five.  Yes he put our hay up last year and did a terrible job...most if it was so wet it was sold for mulch.  the rest we dumped.  He charged us pretty good by the bale for baling and mowing and I bought the twine.  His goats wont' eat first and  we gave his BIL a really nice hay lot that was given to us and I was going to buy the hay from Tom... I think Glenn felt guilty for last year and that is why he gave us such a deal.  Tom only charged fifty to help us pick it up and put it away.  I was wondering if I would have to rehome one of the mares before winter but now they are safe...enough hay...will get some second grass hay from Tom when he gets around to that.  I like it for a treat.  Yes, Stude, no alfalfa in it so Whisper is safe...I do appreciate you letting me know it can cause issues in Arabs.

  • Our last load of hay was eighteen dollars a 100# (or so) bale for Orchard.  Previous to that was fourteen each for meadow grass-Mountain Timothy somewhat heavier bales.  The previous load was full of dirt and sand.  The Orchard was full of Army worms (my guess, I hope nothing worse).  Seems decent hay out here is increasingly expensive (twenty-five plus each) or simply not available as it has been sold overseas.

    I broke open the leak last night and bled all over Annie's (my dog) bed.  Fortunately, it didn't breach the bandage till I had gotten off my bed, except for a few drops.   Cleaned up the mess and put Annie's bed in the washer.  Jmebear's poor septic tank is marginal at best normally and I have thoroughly overloaded it of late.

    Went to see the Doctor today.  She is going to send off a referral to a surgeon who specializes in this kind of thing.  A Vascular Surgeon, I suppose.  Anyway, they'll need to deal with at least three more as well.  All the same, she said it could be late July before I see him.

    Well, I wanted to at least get Socks out and it's getting late.  So I hope everyone around here has a great week!