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Friday is a free day!

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Friday is a free day!
  • No plan yet.
    Work or play?

    Yesterday did fly by.
    Which reminds me... Dana the Warbirds are at Fredericksburg this weekend until Tuesday.
    If you and Hubby ever get the chance.

    And where is Second Chance?
    I hope everyone is well.
  • Hmmm... people get busy and come and go. Hopefully he's just busy. And Stude, too.

    I didn't do too much today. I almost started a thread "Friday Four A.M." because that's what time the dogs woke me up. It's been every night with that boy dog. He's getting old and gets up and paces around and the floor squeaks in the hallway. I might get used to it eventually. I started sleeping in the room the boy was staying in when he was here as opposed to on-the-couch. At least on the couch I was used to the noise of Teddy getting up on the recliner then down on the floor. Anywho he's nearly deaf now. So I have to yell for him to hear me. Poor old man. He's still got some pep, though. He's 13. So is she but she's smaller.

    I did throw out some grass seed. That was something.  And walked the dogs and fed the deer. I went with the guy to the closing on the property he got so he could pick up a dresser for me. Ended up with 2. I saw a set I fell in love with at a store last weekend but it's too much for me right now. If they're still there in a bit I'll get them and give these two to the boy. He needs a dresser but hoo boy his place is a wreck. Like he's a teenager. He needs to get out of those bad habits. I'm going to go help him get it organized. Whether he wants me to or not.

    We are going to go to the cat rescue tomorrow but I'm sure he won't be getting one from there. I think he needs some vitamin C. They're pretty particular about adopting them out. It's a unique place. He's anxious to get one and I'm not sure he can wait another 3 or 4 weeks...unless he does. Connie has kittens. :)

    Later you'ns!

  • I decided to spend the money and have the trailer in Flournoy moved to Fawn Lodge via a tow company.  Six hundred dollars I really didn't want to spend, however as desperate as California is for money, I didn't want to chance getting caught.  It went off perfectly and the old Imperial is safely up at the 'Lodge.  I believe I'll pull the running gear off the little Tandem and put it back on the flatbed.  Then take the Tandem on the flatbed to Fawn Lodge as well.  It's the only way I can legally move it.  Then I'll work on getting it back up to usable condition.  

    Bought a tarp in order to reduce the size of one carport to legal size (10X12).  Took the frame of the other down.  Now it's pouring.  Let all the kiddos out this morning as it was warm and beautiful.  Stopped work to take a short break and it began to POUR.   Got all the kiddies back into their stalls and fed, then in to change as I was soaked.  Good thing I worked as hard as I did to get everything covered.  Looks like the rain is going to be around a while.  So I'll have to work at getting everything else out of it.

    Hope everyone has a great day.