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Wednesday it is

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Wednesday it is
  • Valentines Day! Mmmm chocolate for breakfast.

    It was too confusing for me so I joined the 2 Tuesday threads.
    I have a hard enough time staying straight.

    V has 10 or 12 boxes that represent a 40 year marriage.
    How SAD is that???
    She leaves tomorrow. She will return for the hearing and retrieve or ship her boxes.

    I don't want that for you Hunterseat.

    Yesterday we got some of the materials to finish the front porch at the cabin.
    We have time this weekend and next week to work on it.
    Of course now the rain chances have increased.

    We did hang a couple light fixtures the other day. We bought 2 more to finish the kitchen and mudroom.
    And true to form we forgot one other for mudroom.

    We can go back and get trim for beams in the living room and other light fixture to have inside work.
    I hate making extra trips for stuff.

    Everyone have a happy heart day!!
  • Whisper was out aging this noon and she once more basked in the sun after eating her second cut grass hay.  She  headed for me when I went over but only came part way and was in no rush.  No panic.  Just a sweet mare wanting her dinner.

    Happy hearts day, all.  

  • So V is leaving the area? That is sad. I've got so many applications out there. It's funny/ironic/something that I'm not getting any offers. My last 3 jobs I didn't even have to interview/compete for them. They were just offered. Now I've interviewed umpteen times, had/have 20+ applications at all times. Just applied to Alaska, VA, DC and Spain. LOL OH and NJ.  That's the latest round. I have 2 interviews out there I haven't heard back from. My current location is really interested in keeping me and have 2 jobs coming open that I could probably get if I make half an effort. BUT I told God, if he wants me to have it, I'll have it.

    Now if I can just have patience!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!