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Wow it's Wednesday

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Wow it's Wednesday
  • We are on our last of this stretch of cold weather.
    Should be 51 today but still 20* for tonight.

    So much extra work, hauling water to cattle and horses.
    Need to examine and improve.

    MaderChica only got one ride in.
    She said she was happy just to come here, rest and do nothing.
    Her school work load is huge but she busted her butt and got straight A's this semester.
    Only 4 more years to go.

    We did girls day in Kville.
    Today I have to do real errands in Freiburg.
    And need to get hay.
    Back to the grind here also.

    Everyone have a w-w-wonderfully warm Wednesday!

  • Frozen pipes all over the place at work. Big snow coming in so I'm not going in tomorrow. Might get some electrical work done on the house.

    Want to sell it. I want to wait until spring. Septic tank, paint and redoing the stove pipe on the coal stove. Those are the big ones.

    I got passed over on an Austin job. Not much moving in federal jobs. Plenty of jobs eliminated but not DoD, I don't think.

    Anyway, happy hump day. Stay warm!!

  • Got up over twenty today with sunshine so I put Whisper out with some second cut...something she has not had for awhile.  She was happy with the hay and waylaid me on my way to the barn three hours later with hot water.  She drank it all.  Put her in and gave her her supper.  She insisted she had to have treats after.not that she is spoiled or anything.

    Tomorrow it should go way down temp wise and be about twenty five or thirty below with the wind chill by Friday morning.  Hoping Cal 's run is canceled if that happens...hard to load and unload people in wheel chairs in frigid weather.

    I saw the weather report...wise move taking the day off, Hunter.

  • We got down to 9 Tuesday morning and has been in the teens every night. Sunday night is finally going to get balmy at 29. We didn't get any of the winter weather that the SC coast did, was kinda hoping for it.