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Saturday -sweeping out cobwebs

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Saturday -sweeping out cobwebs
  • Literally...and dog hair...and all other forms of "dirt". I'm going to declare war on the mess. After 3 weekends camping I'm so glad to have a "down day" to clean. If I can just get you-know-who out of my way. If not I may revolt and go thrift shopping/yard sale-ing. He wanted to camp again but I begged off. Hoping for a productive day. It really looks overcast, too.

    His brother's wife (we get along great) wants us to go antiquing tomorrow and I'm highly discouraging her from expecting Jeff to go. The anxiety attacks are frequent (convenient?) and I can't see enjoying the day with his condition. He's taking something but so far, no relief. I think it takes a couple of weeks.

    I hope the day goes well. Prayers for recovery for all who are suffering. New Hampshire?? We've gone back into drought conditions. :(
  • Doing firewood today, Cal lost his car and house keys.  Somewhere in that pile of wood in the basement must be the keys.  Thank God this happened before and I ordered replacement key blanks. (chip key).  I found the lost keys before the new keys came.  So, just need to get the keys cut to match mine, have duplicate house keys made, and  then program the keys to the car.  This time, I will have a spare key on the key board and a set of house keys just in case we need them again.

    The vet said it is okay to not use the tennis ball anymore.  I took her off bute. and she has a couple of days of antibiotics left.  Still swollen but slowly coming down.  She is traveling sound but I am still using overnights on her for support. (bandages)

    A couple more loads of firewood and we should be good for the season.  A lot of work.  Now he sees why I have ordered it delivered , cut and split for the past few years.

  • Well, I understand your point of view Connie, in regards to firewood.  George's house is largely heated with wood and that translates into a lot of wood cutting for us too.

    I do hope your girl gets better soon.

  • THE LOST ARE FOUND!!!  Cal  went down to the wood pile in the basement and , with the flash light and by retracing his steps, down deep, he found them.  I am certainly thanking God.

    Whisper still has swelling but is is steadily going down.  Let her out today and she wanted to roll, I yelled (she had a fly sheet on) and she got half way down and then went back up...lots of icky mud on her and now on the sleeve of what was a clean shirt when I went out there.  Hosed her leg,  bandaged her back up and in with her.

    Thank you for the good wishes, Stude.