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Thursday interview

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Thursday interview
  • Got through it. I don't know about that job. It's a lot less than what I make now. It's in a great place, NC. Near the beach. It's where SOMEONE said he'd want to retire then promptly denied it when I told him there was a job opening there. Anywho... lots to think about. FEMA offered me orders yesterday to be in Atlanta this Sunday and be gone 45 days. I hesitated - job interview, boy's physical therapy, event at the horse rescue next weekend... so they declined it for me. Hopefully I'll get a chance. I was so wanting to go. Wish boy wasn't here and I'd be gone.

    Work was the usual, pretty good. I hope everyone had a good day and tomorrow's Friday! YAY!
  • Cost of living in NC should be lower and money isn't every thing, though it is can rather useful.  :-)

    My boss is retiring (3 years) and  offered me his job. I declined, he replied "it's a lot more money", my response, "money isn't everything." His job would kill me with a heart attack. He has to stay connected 24/7 365 days a year. He can never truly  take a vacation. I don't want that.

  • My oldest grandson's birthday celebration is tonight.  So looking forward to seeing him and all of the family.

    We saw a buck grazing on the side of the road today.  Cal turned around and I took some pictures of it.  A nice looking 8 pointer.  

    I think I got the issue with my printer taken care of...at least I hope so.  I was on the phone with my son in HI and he gave me some pointers.

    Hunter, please consider carefully and do what is best for YOU, not for someone else.  Your son probably still needs encouragement and guidance, but there has to be a limit to how long you need to assist him.  Once he gets his certification in some field where he works, he should be able to transfer to any of their stores.  Did he make connections when you went to Colorado?

    Looking forward to tonight soooo much.

    Oh, Whisper is feeling better each day.  Will be very thankful when the swelling is gone.  Vet said one she moves decently (she does) I could start walk riding her for her exercise...wonder how long she will need that 1/2 tennis ball?