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Monday New Fiscal Year

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Monday New Fiscal Year
  • Things will be a little more lively at work now that we're looking at a new year, new budget, new......stuff.

    So proud of Pilot, both of you, actually, for the dedication you have towards your friends. Priceless, precious.Glad you got rain. Makes me think of the wet cement texture of your ground.

    At the rescue this weekend, Fri/Sat and the program manager told me they have another place....I think she said in VA. They have a total of about 500 horses. Crazy. They are all in such wonderful shape in NJ. There are about 85 there. I really had a great time. Camping was okay but the Polish couple in the next campsite was way too generous with their home made alcohol. yuck. "we" had a hangover Saturday when we woke up. (he's better now) Really messed up the camping for me. Oh well. "know thyself, nothing in excess"
  • After Eros' positive evaluation last week he took a drastic turn for worse.  We put him down yesterday. He  would stand very little and had to feed and water him while laying down. When he did get up you could tell he was in a lot of pain. While laying we could tell he was tired and could no longer fight on. Even though in pain, he remained his sweet self.

    After he passed we removed his laminitus boots and we could tell the bone was pushing down on the sole of his foot. We gave him our all for two months but the odds were stacked against him.

  • So sorry to hear that Face.  I know how hard of a decision it was to let him go.  

    Hunter,  yea I know about that homemade Polish shine.  LOL  potent stuff,  you can light it on fire and can't see the flame when it burns.  Good rocket fuel.

    Rain is good when it is needed.  resulting mud is not,  but the mud will be gone shortly and the ground water levels will still be built up.

  • So very sorry to hear about Eros.

  • Face, so very sorry for the hard decision you had to make.  You did the best you could for him.  He knew that.  He had excellent care and love.  My condolences.

  • So sorry Face.

  • Oh no. What a great horse, face. I know you'll be missing the old boy. I'm glad you could be there for him. It's hard when you can't say goodbye. :( But it's hard either way, I'm sure.

    Gonna try to get to work early so I can get back and take boy to physical therapy for his shoulder.  I'll try to take my laptop home and do some telework in the afternoon.

    Boy has left grooming and moved to fish. That will make him more marketable when it comes time to transfer.

    Anyway, turning in early.