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Monday Missed this place

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Monday Missed this place
  • I think I've caught up on the posts. I have to say prayers for farrier Ed and wife. What a rough time. Wow, we tend to think we have it bad. I should be more thankful and content with the blessings I have in life, which is everything I have. Friends included.

    Stude, first your trailer is wonderful. What year again? I should do the math but SEVENTY? So...it's a 50's model? AND your list of meals made me hungry, which I immediately took care of. You should be big as a house.

    Dinner is lunch time and supper is evening meal in the south. But really? A lunch date and a dinner date seem like 2 different things. Speaking of we found a great Shabu Shabu restaurant and went again Saturday night after getting back from NJ. We went on Friday, I rode, he fished, we camped woke up and did it again. I had a great time helping with the horses.

    Best wishes for a great Tuesday.
  • Hunter, so glad you got some horse time in.

    We got a load of firewood in....well home, any way.  Checked the hay lot.  The hay cut Saturday looks thin but is drying.  The hay cut Sunday looks pretty green.  We are supposed to have several days of dry weather so we hope to get it raked and put in on Wed or Thurs...just want it DRY.  Glen, the baler guy, tends to want to bale it too soon and then we have to salt the mow and keep checking.  The last seventy five bales only had one that heated...broke it open, tossed the warm parts and the rest cured beautifully.  Whisper approves.

    We have an entire trunk, half a trunk, and lots of limb wood to pick up and bring home yet.  It is all ash and is nice wood.

  • The Spartanette is a '51.  So, not quite seventy.. what?  um... sixty-six?  Old enough for Social Security, anyway.  

    The list of meals was a joke taken from the description of Hobbits by J.R.R. Tolkein.  However, back in the day, when I had a full head of hair hanging down my back, I used to observe that schedule.  Didn't get fat because I was also hitting the Gym a lot.  Funny, I weighed twenty-five pounds more then and had a lot LESS fat than now...  Probably the reason my joints are so screwed up now.