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Tuesday with storms

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Tuesday with storms
  • First Texas, then along the gulf and up through the Tennessee area and now Florida due to be hit with a hurricane.  Meanwhile our north west is being assaulted with fire.  Oregon, California, Montana.  At least the natural disasters have cut down on some of the president bashing.

    Whisper is doing well and we may have a home for one of the barn kittens.  I really wish the girl I know would take a male.  He is so loving and I think would be a good fit for her.  She is convinced he will spray...not apt to in a second floor apartment if he is neutered.  He is such a sweetheart.  

    Back to work for many today and back to school for some.

    Hope all have a good week and that the fires and floods stay away from you.

  • I was just wondering what has caused all the fires? How natural is that? It's crazy how many fires, how much is burning.

    Good day at my job. Boy's - not so much. We're trying to comply with the ever changing training requirements but they're really pushing it. Tomorrow is a come-to-Jesus meeting. He may be moving to Denver soon.

    Better go walk the dogs. Hope all is well. Prayers for the country.

  • Just a test of another smiley site: 

    Well... that didn't go as expected...

  • Still a pleasant picture to start my Wednesday with, Stude.