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Monday Moonday

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Monday Moonday
  • Back to work for me and WOW it was non-stop. That's okay. It's my element. I did not see the eclipse.
    I know Shirley and Andy were saying they couldn't get on the forum. Maybe they need password resets (again).
    No word on any jobs.
    I miss the cat bad. I dream about him every night. In a way it's good because I get to see him just as he was. I can sit here and remember him but not really "see" him. But it's bad, too, because I wake up thinking he's here and it makes me miss him really bad. Last night I was sleeping on the couch and saw him (in a dream) at the sliding door. I nearly jumped up right out of a sound sleep. Not fair. :(
    The deer and her baby came up to eat corn. We took the dogs to walk on the beach and saw another mother and two babies not far from our house. Stupid coyotes. I'm glad the babies have survived.
    Hoping to get to bed early tonight.
  • So sad you are missing Leland.  We lost several of our ferals a couple of years ago....had to be the coyotes or the eagles...either one will take out cats.  Not sure about the foxes.

    Started picking up and packing at the sale site.  Still have more to do.  Trying to box according to type so we stand a chance of taking some of it to the auction.  Two guys have expressed interest in the house but none of the green stuff nor any serious discussions on it yet.

    Sat here and noticed it getting darker out yesterday afternoon...guess that was the eclipse.  

    Supposed to be hot here this morning and then we should get storms and the humidity should be gone for awhile...hope we get the yard picked up before the storms hit.

    Whisper is fine but still does not like being outside.