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Sunday, Happy Belated Birthday to Tex

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Sunday, Happy Belated Birthday to Tex
  • It's pretty amazing that he's 8. It seems like only yesterday he was scaring the mess out of me buzzing me in the dark as a baby. What a play baby! He was about the size of a large Dane. :)

    Also I was going to say I absolutely LOVE the whole Ham radio concept. I want to do that so badly. One of the old forum members had an antenna in her back yard. Her husband was big into it. When I worked in the maintenance ops control center at the Guard base I talked to the airplanes and of course the maintenance crew. So much fun. Love it.

    Yesterday I went with my cousin's wife and his two kids (grown young ladies) to a HUGE antique sale that occurs 3 times a year. It was chilly but we had fun. They're in Rhode Island - a little over an hour away. It was a great day.

    My Friday off was productive. I got some yard work done and finally covered a stool top for the girl's room. Not that she's going to be here long with her antics. Why can't some people just do the right thing? That evening I decided to start a war, which is what happens when I try to discuss my feelings - nothing to do with girl. Anywho, whatever.

  • Connie I didn't realize that's your MIL. I know you loved her. I'm very sorry.