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Tuesday too bad

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Tuesday too bad
  • Yesterday didn't work out.
    It was drizzly so we decided not to ride. :(
    MaderChica did studying while I ran to get groceries.
    Of course by the time I got to the store it cleared up.

    She had a dinner date with family. They were meeting some cousins that were passing through Fredericksburg traveling to Austin.
    So by the time I got back from town, we only had time to work on some ground things for her to use with Hercules.
    I can't believe they have a GIANT horse with no manners that students are suppose to handle.

    So today is girls day with Sis, B, MC and myself. Out to lunch is the only part of the plan I am aware.

    Stude maybe someone from church could help you with the ramp?

    Everyone have a great day!
  • Maybe Herc would be better behaved if he had to be. :)   What was that saying, It takes 90 days to make a great horse and 1 day to mess him up? I don't think I got that right. That Spartacus horse scares me to pieces. I need to figure him out.

    I hope the girl day went well.

    Cabin fever here. Actually I could dress and get out there in the slushy rain. Teddy would probably appreciate that. I don't have the best rain coat. Hard to hold a leash with an umbrella. If I drive him somewhere I can let him off leash and that enables me to move out on my walk, which I love. Still...nasty out there.

    I made gumbo last night and greens today. I'm pretty much done.