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3-week pack trip coming up!

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3-week pack trip coming up!
  • http://www.accuweather.com/us/or/imnaha/97842/city-weather-forecast.asp

    Imnaha is the nearest "town" but it is several thousand feet lower elevation and down in the river valley, has milder weather.  Up where we will be it is more of a mountain climate, precipitation this time of year will come in the form of hail and snow and nights will get much much colder but it can still be blazing hot in the daytime.


    we'll be up in the squiggly green and brown ridges to the north and east of Imnaha
  • Awesome!  Thanks!  I've got Sweet P on my computer background at work (bye bye San Clemente fox picture!)  I'll remember to think about you often that way.
    I hope we can do lots of thinking/praying/well wishing for you during your trip.  We may all get elk jerky for Christmas!!  [':D']
  • Here's our "Deep Freeze"

    And almost everything, ready to start loading into the trailer and pickup

    That's my fiancee with the pack scale that we weight and balance the loads with!

    Here he is mantying (wrapping up) the wood stove that we pack in.  Once wrapped, it gets tied onto the pack horse.  The wall tent gets mantyed and loaded on the other side of the horse.

    Well, gotta go and run in a million more little circles until everything that needs doing gets done!  Off bright and early in the morning, a 10 hour drive, then a layover for the night in Enterprise, Oregon, then another 4 hour drive into the backcountry of Hells Canyon.  Two hour ride to camp from the trailhead.

  • The deep freeze is a handsome piece!  SO IS YOUR FIANCE!!!  


    I'm so doggone witty!  If I could only get a day off I'd be cured!

    I'm serious, though.  They're both very nice looking!  [':D']

    Okay - whew...breathe, Beth, breathe....  So the freezer stays in the trailer/store, right?  That's just so cool!!

    When you head for home, can you put your elk meat in there and stop by the store for ice?  Of course, you'll have a LOT more elk meat than that could hold. 

    Get some sleep!  I don't know how you fit all that stuff in that trailer, but again, I know how much stuff fits in small places.

    Example: Went to TX w/a Great Dane, my luggage and a foam saddle.  Came home from TX w/a Great Dane, foam saddle, Stubben Saddle, western saddle, an extra 40# bag of dog food, one large 17yr old boy, a hefty bag of clothes I was given (which I love) AND my boy's clothes.  ALL in my little Mazda.  I know you can do it!

    How big is your trailer?  4 horse?
  • btw, your place looks nice.  One day you should post pictures!  When I get mine in shape for my BFF to visit, I'll post pics of mine!
  • The freezer gets packed into camp!  The ice will only be good for about a week to 10 days.  Fresh game needs to hang for 5-7 days in a cool but not cold place.  We will haul an elk out to Enterprise and hang it at my fiancee's buddies place if we get one early, then go back to camp and hunt some more.
  • Gotcha!  AND you're on your way!  10 hrs...  I'd have to listen to some recorded books!  It's an addiction of mine. [':)']

    Here's hoping you get a couple of good big healthy needing-to-be-culled elk!

    I showed a coworker my computer background and he asked if elk could be hunted.  Um YES!  He asked if I would go on a trip.  DUH!  YES AGAIN!  Totally cool! 

    Be safe as always and Godspeed!  September will be nearly over when you get back!!!  What a great way to spend it!

    ETA: Monday's weather looks glorious!  47 at night!  brrrr!  Good snuggle weather!
  • Made it to our layover in Enterprise, Oregon in one piece, but had to replace a tire on the horse trailer in LaGrande, OR.  One of the axles is a little off so the tire on that side wears on the outer edge, seems to do fine driving around home but on a long road trip over hot pavement with 4 horses and 1000 pounds of gear, the rubber disappears fast!  We had to do the same thing last year.  The bad news was that Les Schwab has to special order the tire, so they put the spare on and the bad tire is our new spare (it still has air and isn't down to the steel belts YET).  They ordered a tire for us to put on before driving back across Oregon on our way home.

    I padded up the horse's tails good with a polar fleece wrap and Duct tape, to keep them from rubbing holes in the tailbone and their butts from bracing against the trailer.  Last year I had some nasty pressure sores to take care of in camp from this.  So far it has worked like a charm, no rubs or sores. 

    It is so beautiful here in Enterprise, I don't have time to upload pics, but my fiancee and I dream of retiring out here, on a farm by the river.  We are at a small farm here.  We hobbled the horses out in a n open filed chest-deep in timothy grass, then tied them to the trailer for the night.  I just turned them out again at 4:30 this morning, they hear those hobbles rattling in my hands and start talking sweet nothings to me. 

    Well, gotta get dressed and back on the road.  From here it is the Middle of Nowhere for a few weeks!  Not Internet, no phones!  I have a really cool new GPS to play with, though!
  • Okay question for when you get back.  Where you recently moved from you were camping here, traveling from your old home in Washington?  Which was closer?

    Do you have to have landowner permission?

    Smart about the tail wrapping. 
  • Week one is complete!  Weather is nice low 80's down to low 50's at night.  Sounds like perfect weather to me!!  Hope there's plenty of elk meat.  I bet trainer101 could fix a GREAT elk steak!!  [':D']
  • bump!
    Last week right here!!  I hope we got some good elk meat!  Wonder if something else was to fall into your sites....   [8|]
    Can't wait for pictures!!!!  
  • I sure am enjoying this thread! 
    More of those Haflinger pictures too!
  • [SUP]Me too. Cant wait to hear all the details and see pix. Lots of hard work and hope it was a big success!![/SUP]