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Meet and see Moose

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Meet and see Moose
  • This is the surprise baby I told you about.  He had his vet check and is a little premature, but doing very well.  His legs will straighten out over time.  I hope the pics show as an attachment.
  • Too Cute!
  • Aw what a little cutie!  
  • Ok, I'm so sorry but I'm not remembering this story. Can you tell it again please! He is adorable! Congrats.
  • Moose is adorable!  What breed is he?  Looking forward to seeing more of him.
  • FOUND IT!!!  Awwww......Moosie-boy!  I was going to say, he's out of a Stb but that's the wrong horse, huh?  Your friend GOT a Stb and another?  Okay, Misty, just show us ALL the horses and tell us all at one time.  (looking for the popcorn eating smiley)
  • He is just a cutie. Thanks for posting the whole story now I think he is even quter. (?) But I am confussed on which horse is the mama? And did she have time to get some wait on her? And how is she holding up? And how are the girls doing with the new baby? And what is the plan for him?

    It's like a soap opra... Just trying to figure out who is who, who's baby is who, and what is going to happen. Now I want that popcorn smily also. pout!