Posted : 6/20/2010 2:04:24 PM
It's not that I don't believe what everyone is saying about having him euthanized, it's just that...........sigh.
Watched the utube video. While, I don't believe the guy is being cruel, I somehow feel it's a way of breaking his spirit. If I break his spirit, he becomes perhaps rideable, but also "worthless?".
Yes, Rod, but the only favor I'm not doing anyone is myself and I can handle that at the moment. He's currently hanging out enjoying himself while I work on ground work, putting myself in the role of "herd" leader and thinking. Call it a lesson for me more than him at the moment. I was thinking hard about what Dana's trainer said and how to find the "hole" in his training and fix it or find the abcess within him, rid it of infection and heal the wound. I can't believe that any horse starts out this way, but has it instilled in him somewhere along the line by a mistake made innocently or on purpose.
Except I did put a dummy rider on him and he did his bucking stint, then flipped and it's little dummy head fell off. Not a good omen, for sure.
I did try to find another experienced mind(s) locally to try to give me another perspective and found no one willing to take on the challenge. So, therefore, that's what you guys are doing whether you know it or not, you are all my horse training experts, giving me various voices and allowing me to bounce thoughts and ideas off of you. And in turn letting me hear your thoughts and opinions has been a helpful and gratifying experience.