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Rest in peace, my dear friend

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Rest in peace, my dear friend
  • On April 26th, we lost a dear friend. My neighbor's horse, Beau passed away before our eyes. He was 9. His aorta blew. My hubby tried so hard to save him, to keep him breathing, but we didn't know what was wrong, that he couldn't be saved. We cried for days. He was the sweetest, most gentle, goofy stallion I've ever even heard of. My horse, his son Dusty was very unhappy for a few days, until my neighbor put another stud in with him. I don't like the new one. He's not Beau. Anyway, hope it's ok to post his pic here. I had to get it out, it was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever witnessed.
    Here's the last pic I ever took of him. Run free forever, my sweet friend.

  • AW..... that's a tragic end to an awesome life.  Sorry you had to got through that.  There are those here who've dealt with that, too.  Very sad.  And absolutely nothing that can be done.... and no way to predict.... 
    Fly free, Beau.... Godspeed....
    Okay, now I can see the pics.  They are both beauties.  SSH's?  Are you in the midsouth?  What line are they from?  Bojangles is sorta big around here, stud-wise, and, of course Spotted Alen Again.  
  • Thanks so much... we miss him very much and I hate it when that palomino stud stands on his grave. Drives me nuts!
    I don't know bloodlines at all, but Beau was a TW, and Dusty is half QH. I do know that Beau's grandpa was Marshall Dillon. Gorgeous red and white paint TW. His sire was Rockin Pride.
    ETA: We're in south Louisiana
  • OH!  Do you get any kind of a gait out of Dusty?  That's an interesting combo.  Two nice breeds.
  • What a sweet face. He's at the Rainbow Bridge now, waiting.
  • I'm so sorry to hear of your loss - hugs to you and your friends.  He was quite the beauty.
  • PaintedChick,
    I am sorry for your loss.  I can't begin, nor could any of us imagine, the way you all had to live through this.  You rationalize in your head - know it is what was meant to be -  but none of that makes any sense.  You all did your best.  As one of us said above, he is waiting at the Rainbow Ridge and running and happy. 
    My thoughts are so with you.  Bless you.
  • How tragic.  He sure was a beauty. 
  • Thanks everyone, it's very very hard. I keep wondering when I'll get used to looking out my window and seeing a palomino instead of that beautiful boy.
    Unfortunately, Dusty doesn't gait. He's got a VERY uncomfortable trot/jog... I've ridden him probably a few dozen times, and he's very green. He does ok, but I'm not the best rider, either. One day when we have some money, I'm getting a trainer over once a week to train us both!
  • [quote=Harley Heaven]

    What a sweet face. He's at the Rainbow Bridge now, waiting.

    That's such a sweet little picture, thanks!