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Happy Mother's Day!!!

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Happy Mother's Day!!!
  • Well, since I'm just heading to bed and it's after midnight, let me be the first to say "Happy Mother's Day" to all you moms out there, whether your children be human or otherwise!!  Hope you have a great day :)
    to all you mommys out there.
  • Yesterday started yucky (in my head) and ended up pretty good.  That makes today seem better.  The weather is still wet but the rain is an intermittant gentle shower and somehow that seems better.  (MUCH better than thunder/lightning/hail!!)
    Dani came up with yellow flower petals stuck to her nose.  I put Miles in the yard so she could enjoy her breakfast without the usual interloper who wolfes his down and then finishes hers for her.   Still gotta go down the road for the two pasture boys.  Zag's foot is really doing well.  I'm not real experienced with blow-outs but had NEVER seen one on the heel bulb.  Now it's much closer to the surface, growing out in typical blow-out fashion. 
    Much to do today.  Last day off before my wonderful Carol-friend gets here! 
    Happy Mother's Day to everyone who has a mother! ':)'  Pumpernickel w/apricot All-Fruit...yum.....  coffee's on!
  • Happy Mother's Day!

    We're up early. Have horses to feed and then church. Its also First Communion at our church so we're leaving a bit earlier than usual so we can get a seat.

    It is BEAUTIFUL outside! Skies are clear, no wind - birds are singing! If it holds, we'll definitely go for a Mother's Day Ride! 

    Have a great one!
  • Happy Mothers day!!
    Hunter, I'm glad the weather is starting to break for you. Good to hear tha Zags foot is doing so well. You've sure worked had on tending that one.
    Christy & I slept in a bit this morning. Now it's time to get ready for our trip North.
    Stop by Mom's grave do a little clean up, say hi. Then it's on to Menden Il. to see Christy's Mom & Grandma. It will be good to see both of them again but I'm not looking forward to the drive. Oh well, since I don't have feathers stuck to my backside for flight, guess I'd better get used to the idea. LOL.
    Have a great day guys.
  • HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!  We are headed to the daughter's today....
  • Happy Mothers Day! I went to a Mothers Day brunch at the church yesterday, and that was nice. Pigged out on all the good food.
    No special plans for today, other than ride and work horses. But what could be better than that?!
    Have a good day!
  • Happy Mothers Day!
    Just taking it quite here today ':)'
  • Happy Mother's Day to all you special women!  Hope everyone has a fun day!
  • Happy Mother's Day!

    It's a sunny Sunday here, I'm thinking I may have to get my bike out this afternoon and check out the bike trail that runs along the river one road over from me.  Otherwise, no other plans.....sure wish my car was more reliable right now, but it still needs some work (seems to be an on-going thing with that dang car!), would have liked to driven down to the cemetary today and put some flowers there, but it's about a 100 mile drive so I don't want to take a chance with my crazy car.  So, I will content myself with a bike ride along the river, and maybe a nice dinner later on.
  • Good morning.  Started my day feeding the big, furry boys who were very happy to see me as usual.  What a great way to start the day with those big, black eyes so eager and soft, fuzzy muzzles nudging you.  They got the leftover not-so-great watermelon from last night so they were slobbery messes by the time I was done feeding.  No ride today as we're heading down south toward San Diego to my dad's.  We're celebrating Mother's Day and my grammy's 98th birthday.
    I baked two devil's food cakes.  I'm making a big, rectangular layer cake and garnishing it with fresh strawberries and flowers.  Should be pretty.
    It's another gorgeous day out there.  I'm off to relax with my book in a cozy chair for a little bit while the cake cools, then I've got to get frosting.
    Have a great day, everyone.
  • Good afternoon all. I'm just taking a breather from my homework. I'm sitting out on Danehaven's porch soaking up the beauty. I'm going to have to leave here in a few hours and I'm not looking forward to heading back to the city.

    I have about 4 problems left on one worksheet and 4 more worksheet to go. I have figured out that it takes me approx. 30-45 minutes to answer one questions. With an average of about 300 questions I'm spending a minimum of 150 hours on homework per module/3 months. That doesn't include my clinical work of 20 hours a week of prenatal's and between 10-20 hours on average for births. I haven't yet calculated how much time that equals out to, but I know it is a lot. This all makes sense because I try to do between 5 and 10 questions a day, non clinical days of course, which would be an average of about 2.5-5 hours of homework a day. This is on top of the 3 hours I spend driving my kids to school and back. (includes both ways and waiting for children.) Regular scheduled appointments, housework, cooking, drive times to and from everywhere, and of course daily errands. 

    What I think when I read this is WHY am I spending any time on this forum? But hey, I need a mental brake at some point during my day. 

    I just needed to share so I feel better about getting back to work. And feel like I'm accomplishing something when it takes me SO LONG to get anything done. Only one more year. I just have to keep saying that.

    Have a great day everyone.