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Got the strangles

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Got the strangles
  • Thanks Littlebit, and them poor babies, the vet said it's unusual in horse the ages of mine but I got lucky.  Quinn is hard lumped under jaw and his hair has shed away, but he's not oozing like he should, we're hotpacking for 20 minutes twice a day but sure wish he'd pop better. He started a little but nothing now, he's eating and moving fine but we sure wish he'd ooze (dang weird thing to wish for, LOL)  I'm taking Knight to the stable he goes to( total vaccinated and vet cleared him for take off) for some riding to get ready for the show on Sunday, we're having such weird weather here, like rain one minute and just stifling hot with like 100% humidity and you know how icky stuff loves humidity, LOL.  The vet has upped Jakes steroids just to have them kick in a little (my girlfriend says that's cheating in Halter classes, LOL).  I've been so stressed I don't know if I found a rope or lost a horse. Thanks for all the good wishes
  • Thanks for the yucky update.  At least they are on the mend and you're doing a great job being nurse.  Easy on the waterworks. [':)']
  • Sorry to hear about the strangles.  I hope everyone heals quickly.
  • Cody might've had strangles very mildly a couple years ago.  He had a scabby, oozing spot between his jaw bones but by the time the vet came out, there wasn't enough gunk to get a good swab and test for it.  He never had a snotty nose, never went off his feed or had a temp and the other two never got it.  We quarantined anyways.  He never went to other stables because I wasn't riding him then so we weren't sure.  Quarantine is a big bummer.....
    Glad to hear your bunch is recovering.  Poor Jake.  With all those steroids, he's gonna be pumped for the show ring, huh?
  • This is what Jake looks like, it's called Purpura and is an off shoot of the Strangles, he never got a runny nose or any lumps but had a fever so we treated him with antibiotics and two days after the antibiotics this happened.  He is now on 500mg of steroids everyday and as soon as the swelling goes down I have to ween him off of them.  Today Thunders' nose was real runny but no fever, but he is coughing and no lumps (he too was vaccinated)
  • [':o'] Aw.... poor Jakey.
  • Eddi...I've been following this thread all along! (wE'RE NEVER FINISHED LEARNING, ARE WE?)  (Blasted caps lock...sorry!)
    Poor, poor Jake!  Poor, poor YOU!  I can't imagine the stress!
  • Today I talked to one of my vets and last night I was wondering why not a diuretic? and today she says give him 10cc of lasix and tomorrow we're gonna try injectable steroids (just one shot) and then back to the pill steroids.  Quinn's hole is finishing up draining and we decided to not treat with penicillin and he's doing fine.  We trimmed Jakes hooves today cause I read an article that said good hoof care will prevent the purpura from causing laminitis. His swelling moves around like from front legs to back and his sheath is side to side, he doesn't seem sore just stiff but tonight he moved out the best since this started. But everytime I see the light at the end of the tunnel another train hits me. Appreciate all prayers for the big guy.
  • I sure hope things start turning around for you.  Poor Jake, ouch!
    How are things going tonight?
  • Last night things went much better, still swollen but moving better, the lasix is making him sweat alot and it's been very hot and humid here also today it's back on the pills, I'm sure hoping to start the weaning process pretty soon off the steroids, but until I see a marked lack of swelling I'm to keep them up.  Quinn ( got his hooves trimmed yesterday) has a few swells but Rick and Steve just think it's inactivity and heat, will keep a close eye on him.. Today I get to take Knight to Ricks for a ride by him and then a lesson for Chloe. I've been so dang emotional lately I cry at the drop of a hat (or hoof as the case may be).
  • 9:00 AM, Jake looks sooo much better even sheath is down (not all the way but better). Now Nikko's neck is hard and swollen but not underneath instead it's in the area I gave his penicillin shots anyone have this happen with shots in the neck muscles? I took pics and his temp right away his temp was fine. I'm hoping it's just sore from shots. It's absolutely stiffling hot and humid here which doesn't make things anymore comfortable all have had their hooves trimmed except my little girly she's on tomorrow's agenda. Will go in to vet in morning and show pics (she wasn't there today). Now for the bills, the one vet (first on scene) was $228.00 that's a trip, temping 7 horses and all the penicillin, hist stuff and gentomyicn and syringes and needles.  The other vet is $108.35 without last trip. So I'm feeling a little better about that didn't have to touch my emergency fund. Can't wait to power wash the barn, have already soaked all halters but one in bleach solution, also bought spray bottle to spray bleach solution on floors when horses don't have to come in anymore.  Right now we let them in twice a day to grain and assess them all. I'm seeing the light again!!! Thank God.
    ps will be hitting church the next two sundays (no shows, LOL).