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Wet Wednesday

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Wet Wednesday
  • I got my license today!!!

    It's currently about 100*F here and SUNNY. It's getting too hot too fast ':('
  • Ugghhhh, it's about 90 here right now...... I'm not ready for the heat yet and neither are the dogs.  When I got home they looked like someone had tossed them on the patio in the shade upsidedown, paws sticking up in the air!!  Poor Annie is shedding like crazy.  Yesterday I brushed tons of hair off her, could've filled a couple grocery sacks with it.
    Waiting on the vet.  He called and said he was going to be late.  The good thing about that is it'll be cooler by then ':)'  I've got to go out and water the garden.
  • We got a few hours of sun this afternoon and from the looks of things the last we will see of it till next week ':('  I ran outside and got the butterfly bush planted while we had sun - one more thing off my list.
  • Hmmm.....from the sounds of the weather across the board I think I need a new job in New Mexico, or adapt witerwings to my horses. It quit raining here, but the pastures are like a marsh! My poor horses are going to get webed hooves!
    What do the horse have to graze on out there in the desert anywhooo? Sage Brush?
  • Come to south TX. We have grass here.
  • In Southern Cal, most horses are in a 12 X 24 corral.  Mine are lucky because they have about 1/3 of an acre but it is a dry lot.  They get lots of grass hay to keep them busy.
    The vet finally made it around 6:30, busy guy.  Couldn't do X-rays because when Cody was in the parade, the people running our group painted all the horses' feet with blue glitter and it's still on there!!  Couldn't scrape it all off, used nail polish remover and there is still some on there.  The vet said it might show up on the x-ray so better to wait..... so everybody just got their West Nile.