We have a modest flock of 3 med/large parrots we share our home and life with. All talkers - an African Grey named Kota, an Eclectus named Fiona and a Blue and Gold Macaw named Ray. They are like having very messy, time consuming, moody, sometimes VERY loud, always expensive toddlers forever - we love them dearly but they are not for everyone. All of our birds speak clearly and with comprehension - some of them fairly non-stop and some of them when they feel it necessary to get attention or something, some of them rarely, but all do. Supplies rival and almost always exceed the cost of horse supplies - cage and space requirements vary but for our medium and large birds - large - very large, very secure, cages are required along with a lot of play space and play equipment.
I am a member of a Parrot Rescue in our area and completely advocate adoption as the first resort for bringing a bird into your family and home - rescue/adoption organizations ensure that homeless birds find the right families and more importantly ensure that families looking to add a bird to their home are
well educated about feeding, care, training, housing and loving these long living animals.
Meet Kota, Fiona and Ray (in that order) We have many videos of our birds on YouTube. Feel free to visit us there to see a bit about living with parrots.