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Re: Horse Speet

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Re: Horse Speet
  • Horses speed varies with their stride length, body build, and other factors, but here is a basic idea of how fast-- in miles per hour.
    Camron sareja
  • Horse gaits the various ways in a which a horse can move, either naturally or a result of specialized training by humans.
  • Horses anatomy enables them to make use of speed to escape predators and they have a well-developed
    sense of balance and a strong fight-or-fight instinct.
    Earl Nunes

  • My Standardbreds raced at the pace (not the diagonal trot).  Their best times were about 1:50 or just a hair less for a mile.  You'll have to do the math.  Let me know what you come up with.  CPG's that would be a great task for you little brainiacs. [':)']
    btw, the pace is faster than the trot.  I'm not sure what the t'breds average time is.
  • All horses move naturally with four basic gaits: the four-beat walk, which averages 6.4 kilometres per hour (4.0 mph); the two-beat trot or jog, which averages 13 to 19 kilometres per hour (8.1 to 12 mph) (faster for harness racing horses); and the leaping gaits known as the canter or lope (a three-beat gait that is 19 to 24 kilometres per hour (12 to 15 mph), and the gallop. The gallop averages 40 to 48 kilometres per hour (25 to 30 mph). The world record for a horse galloping over a short, sprint distance is 88 kilometres per hour (55 mph). Besides these basic gaits, some horses perform a two-beat pace, instead of the trot. In addition, there are several four-beat “ambling” gaits that are approximately the speed of a trot or pace, though smoother to ride. These include the lateral slow gait, rack, running walk, and tölt as well as the diagonal fox trot. Ambling gaits are often genetic traits in specific breeds, known collectively as gaited horses. In most cases, gaited horses replace the standard trot with one of the ambling gaits.
    Demin Martin