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Workaholic Lab

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Workaholic Lab
  • Hey everyone,
    I need some advice about my 3 year old lab. I do Dock Dog Competitions & Retriever Demonstrations with him, when it comes time to retrieving he goes till there is no end. I work him every other day for about 15-30 mins. And I noticed last month his back left hip will get so stiff that after he works, if he lays down or sleeps when he wakes/gets up he is limping for about 2-3 days. I know labs are known for hip displacement; but not until they reach an older age. I will stretch him before we start working, and even put horse liniment on before and after i work him out. I even tried walking him around for a cool out after were done. And there is still no improvement. I don't think its serious enough to go to he vets because he will let me pick it up and rub it, stretch it and he doesn't resist or show any negative response. Just wanted to get someone else's opinion out there!

    Thanks :)
  • Dogs can be pretty stoic.  If he's limping he's in pain.  My BFF's lab dog had a bone spur that needed removing in her front shoulder.  I think an xray is in order. (just my opinion I'm not an expert) Plus, if it is displasia, which can come on from an accident or injury, there are drugs you can give him that will help him right away so he can resume his activities! 

    You have a wonderful dog!  You do cool stuff with him.  I know he must love you a LOT. 
  • Thanks! Yes trust me he does enjoy it! I might go in for an x-ray, I mean the limping isn't there all the time, its just after he works out going into the next day then he is fine, jumping, running, playing..etc. But a vet check wont hurt! Thank you!
  • [quote=~PasoCrazy~]
    ... the limping isn't there all the time, its just after he works out going into the next day then he is fine, jumping, running, playing..etc.
    That doesn't sound like dysplasia to me.  You'll have to let us know...
  • My mom's retriever would be sore and occasionally yip in pain the day after a great day of fetching in the surf at the beach.  He didn't have hip dysplasia, just some minor joint issue that would flare up after too much exercise.  Lived to the ripe old age of 18!!
  • Yeah, and I also forgot to mention, I started him on Healthy Hip & Joint pills and that helps it a little bit.
  • We've got a big mastiff that was really sore from what I would assume is hip dysplasia when we first took him in.  He is doing really well on a daily supplement of an aspirin, a famotidine (acid reducer), flax and fish oil and glucosamine.  Running around, no problem getting up on the tile floors anymore.
  • My dogfood has glucosamine and 5 of the 6 get extra hip supplement every day.
    me and the horses take it, too.
  • I will try those supplements and see what the vet suggest; I'm trying to make an appointment for this week. I will keep you guys posted. ':)'