Posted : 10/4/2009 2:05:35 AM
I am getting ready to put up a perimeter fence next spring, and cross fence later on.
I looked at different electric fence materials from tape to braided to hotcote. I like the braided because it takes less support posts, but I did not want the cost of running so many strands. The tapes only had warrenties for 5 for less years and I didn't like the idea of redoing the fence so often.
My mare is currently at a place with the hotcote, which is great for longevity, but high cost. Add to the cost the fact that when the power is off she will walk right through the fence. No respect what so ever! lol
Because of this behavior and the fact that I don't want to refence every few years, I have decided to go with the cattle/livestock rolls of wire fence and then, put a hot wire on top to discourage her from reaching over and collapsing the fence. I already have hedge 
osts for the corners/cross supports, and at the gates. I will be getting t-posts for the straight runs.
I am not sure what I will use to top off the t-posts. Some caps on the market do not look like they would provide much protection and others can be rather costly. Currently I am considering, 
VC pipe end caps or maybe even tin cans, just something that I can wire to the posts that will protect against cuts and impalement!