Posted : 3/15/2011 8:18:34 AM
Good that you've hopefully discovered the problem. Without further info, I was going to say your guess of a bruise was one likely possibility and if it was very painful &/or hanging about for longer than a few days, I'd guess it may be an abscess.
Abscesses frequently result from stone bruises. They can be 'one off' accidents, such as stepping on a particularly sharp rock or kicking something particularly badly. But if the horse has soft &/or thin soles &/or frogs or is prone to bruising/abscesses - they happen more than once in a blue moon, that is likely a sign that all is not as well as it may seem and I would also look at protecting his feet when travelling over rough/hard ground, with boots or such, as well as learning more about hoof health & function in order to improve the situation.
I would NOT coop him up actually. The more exercise the better and the sooner the problem will be able to resolve. If he's bandaged, I'm gathering the vet dug into his foot for the abscess? That may be why the vet advised to lock him up - maybe easier to keep clean. Packing the wound with Tuff Rock, Hawthornes medicated sole pack, or some such and bandaging should help keep the area infection free when he's out. If the vet has dug for the abscess, he will probably require extra protection for a while even after the wound heals, as there is much less material - sole or frog - to protect him from future bruises.