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stomach ache???

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stomach ache???
  • My horse had an issue last night where he would not eat his hay..or grain. So I stsyed to watch him..and he started stretching and pawing at the ground and so I went to get his halter and he was just laying down comfortably. SO I put him outside in the roundpen and he seemed fine, a normal roll like he always does and a lot of running around and talking..and he was pooping normal poop. He had an issue last spring with impaction, but he wasnt impacted..because his poop was fine..drinking water and going for hay.Any suggestions, we have had him outside since 7:00 last night and he is okay this morning. I just need some suggestions.
  • They will act like that when they have an ulcer.
    He really should be seen by your vet for an accurate diagnosis.
    Since he's already colicked and ulcers can cause colic, I would talk to the vet about putting him on a high quality daily&nbsp';p're/probiotic for the rest of his life to help the digestive system function properly.
    They may even make long-term ulcer-gard products with pre probiotics in them, but I'm not sure.
    At any rate, please call your vet.  The vet can tell if it is an ulcer.  The ulcer won't go away without prescription meds and then discuss what should be added daily to the feed program.
    Although a lot of factors can be involved where ulcers are concerned, this winter has been horrible on livestock.  Just the frequent, major swings in temperatures can be more than some horses can deal with if they are already on the "queazy side". 
    Hope this helps':)'
  • That does help. I am looking into a vet since our regular vet no longer comes to this area that im at. Just know that this happened around the same time last year, and he has been fine up until last night. Turning him out seemed to help, and after he ran a little bit he wanted his grain, but only fed him hay last night to be on the safe side. Is it possible horses sometimes just get tummy aches, without it being a severe colic? I will definitely look into a vet a.s.a.p and have him checked for ulcers. Will keep you updated and sure I will have more questions.
  • First GOOD FOR YOU!!!! for paying attention to your horse and knowing something is off.
    Second- I could not have said it better than WTW did.
    I know a few times during this time of year my guys will seem a little odd and I will hear normal gut sounds etc.  one has been checked for ulcers.  When I talked with my vet about it she explained that sometimes, especially this time of year their digestion will be "off" and it is best to keep an eye on them.
  • Thank you so much. I do feel a little more at ease now. We are putting him in tonight, I will be at work over night ':(' so my mom has to take care of him. But seeing as how all night he was fine and this morning he ate (hay only) and my mom fed them outside again,hay only, and will bring them in after and then check on him,but now im sure hes tired from being out so long! Glad to hear that the weather could be the cause,but still want a vet check a.s.a.p!
  • If you want to look more into nutrition and the effects grain can have on the hind gut, check out the ADM Alliance site.  A lot of people feed grain and it can be a real hot topic so - I'm not saying that no one should feed grain.  I'm just saying, if your horse is having upset digestive system, it's a thought.  Also, Ulcer Guard has some great info on ulcers on their site.  I'd give you links but my computer is acting up. 

    Hay is the best thing!  It's better to have something going through at all times to help prevent ulcers. 

    Where do you work? (type of work, not exact location)
  •   One horse of mine that has had similar episodes responds immediately to a Power Pak regimen.  (once he is eating and drinking normally of course)  Save yourself some $$ and use the large cattle tubes of Safeguard.
  • I have him on the triple crown senior and oats but thinking about just giving him the triple crown,and then more hay. I work at a doggy daycare,so if there are dogs staying the night on saturday im working overnight.
  • What is the safeguard? Just wondering never heard of it. What does the pwerpak do and where can I find that at?
  • cool job!! [':)']
  • Ya, im actually happy at my job most days ':)'. TOnight the horse seemed fine..ate the grain I gave him and talked like normal and still drank almost a whole bucket of water..think whatever he had passed for the time being....
  •   A powerpak is simply a 5 day regimen of a double dose of Panacur.  SafeGuard is identical to Panacur and was initially marketed as the OTC version.  It's also marketed to the cattle industry where it is distrubuted in larger multi dose tubes that are much cheaper than the horse single dose.  I'm sure this site carries the PP but probably not the cattle tubes.  You can find those online or at your local farm supply store.  The main use of the PP for me is to target ensysted strongyles that most other dewormers don't address.
  • [quote=2manyhorses]

      A powerpak is simply a 5 day regimen of a double dose of Panacur. 

    This is correct, Safeguard and Panacur have the same active ingredient (fenbendazole) and a powerpac dose is 2X the normal dose for 5 consecutive days with the goal being to kill encysted strongyles.  However Panacur Powerpack is not something you want to give a horse that is having colic issues and that may have gastric ulcers.   In fact, unless there were extenuating circumstances I would not give it to my own horses ever.   Contrary to popular belief that powerpac dosing is extremely safe, it is in-fact very hard on the GI tract and can actually lead to the severe GI inflammation and even ulceration which is what you give the drug trying to prevent--severe inflammation caused by a mass emergence of these encysted strongyles from their cysts.  This according to a study done in 2006.  The damage it does is because of the way that it kills encysted strongyles.   
       Horses who have a good natural resistance to parasites and who have been appropriately dewormed are not likely to have a problem with mass emergence.    And you can cut down on the number of encysted strongyles by using moxidectin as a part of your deworming program.  Moxidectin kills encysted strongyles (though not every stage) without the adverse side effects that powerpac dosing of fenbendazole causes. 
  • There is always something new im learning about them everyday! I will probablly deworm him in a few days,just want to make completely sure hes 100% Okay. I went and bout more triple crown senior to up that since it has the prebiotics in it,and trying to cut out the oats. Also bought him a salt lick to make sure he drinks enough water.
  • You shouldn't be just deworming, you need to deworm based upon solid information and the facts of your horse's situation.  When was he last dewormed and with what? What state are you in?