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Horse Hives

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Horse Hives
  • I have a thoroughbred, 4 y/o mare. Just rescued her 5 days ago. Today I noticed she has an extremely bad outbreak of hives!!! Having just getting her I am not sure what caused this, and she was a race horse before so I cant really contact any previous owner. I was told to try flax seed or benadryl.  I have never had this problem with a horse before so my question is what kind of flax seed should i try? (Any brand and specific product suggestions would be great) And if I give her benadryl should it be childrens and how much should I give her?!?!   I am assuming the benadryl would be best to get the hives to go away and if flax seed works give her that as  a daily suppliment to keep them away?
    Please help ASAP!!!! Thank you in advance!
  • Might be a reaction to fly bites.  It would be an allergic reaction to something, wouldn't it?
  • No not neccisarily... It could be an allergic reaction to just about anything, it could also be from stress since I just got her and everything is so new to her... Not really sure what did it. Just trying to figure out how to fix it!!
  • If you have any antihistamine on hand like TriHist give that according to label instructions (there are also OTC versions your local feed/tack store should have).  I know many people give Benadryl but I do not know the dose as I always have Rx antihistamines on hand.  If they do not subside call your vet out....he or she may recommend an intradermal skin test or serum allergy testing to determine the cause and may recommend corticosteroids to treat.