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Have you ever heard of....?
  • I am looking for help. Not sure if there is anything wrong. But.. Would appreciate any comments if anyone of you had a horse do the same thing, or have heard of these symptoms/ quirks. Here's my story.. I was standing one day with my horse in her paddock with two other people. Just standing talking, and petting my horse, when all of a sudden, it was like she woke up, and forgot where she was. She started nickering right in my face, and breathing hard for about a minute. Almost like she had a nightmare. Then all was fine, back to normal self. This all happened in a matter of minutes. She was awake before, and didn't appear to fall asleep. But, it just looked like she had a nightmare.(This was a week ago.) Today, I was again standing in the paddock with my friend, we were there for about 30 minutes petting her and taking pictures. We stopped and started petting her, and were talking. When all of a sudden again, she started nickering and breathing heavy in my face for about 10 seconds.. But this time she reared straight up, ears pinned. She didn't strike or anything, but then tried to land more towards my friend. Once she came back down, all was good and she was back to normal. Happy no pinned ears or anything. This mare is the sweetest horse I have ever owned. She would never hurt anyone, or pose a threat towards anyone. I am just scared that something is majorly wrong... Has anyone dealt with anything like this before? Should I be concerned. Health or quirk? I just don't know.. We do have a vet appointment coming up very soon. I just wanted to see if maybe someone else had some insight on this... Also I have owned her for a month now. Thank you!
  • Sometimes horses can doze off while you're petting or grooming them. If they doze off and you walk under their nose (ducking under a lead rope if they're tied), they can become startled, do what you're describing, and get you hurt. She may be dozing off, or (long shot) she may be having some sort of seizure. For sure, describe this to your vet. You might even want to give the vet a "heads up" before you appointment in case he or she wants to do some research before seeing your horse.
  • My horse turned into a nutcase when he got pidgeon fever. He had a lump that broke open and got weepy. It was on his chest.
    Sounds like something's going on. Eyesight?
  • You need to have a vet see the horse. It could be narcolepsy or even a petite mal seizure. Regardless, it could make her dangerous to ride...find out what's going on and how extensive this problem is. Some information and it sounds familiar to your post. http://www.thehorse.com/articles/10050/equine-narcolepsy Hope this helps...