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my horse has a buble lookin' thing on his chest

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my horse has a buble lookin' thing on his chest
  • my horse has a bubble looking thing on his chest.its like a crusty ball/bubble looking thing,and when it opens up,it bleeds....it started out as a little bump,then while time passed,it grew out as a bubble looking thing,out of his chest...i don't know if it was a insect bite and got infected or what.....
               could u help me?
  • Could be any number of things-abscessing lymph glad, fatty tumor, cancerous tumor (our pony had one and it was crusty and would bleed if you took off the scab-had surgery and fine now!).  Hard to tell w/out a picture.  Get your vet out before it becomes something more serious.  Goodluck!
  • My first thought was pidgin fever also known as dryland distemper. We had a whole slew of horses infected here a few years ago. If you haven't already, I'd get your vet out.