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need tips for giving foal meds/peacefully

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need tips for giving foal meds/peacefully
  • Foal is 2 1/2 weeks old and hates being held so I can give her meds. Im new at taking care of horses so here's what I did.
    After putting her in a stall ( to keep from chasing her around) I had my son place one hand around her neck (like a hug) and wrap the other hand around her flank area) to allow me to handle the mouth and meds. She is strong and has knocked my 14 year old on the ground and stepped on him a few times. I feel like Im handling this all wrong and possibly risking loosing her trust in us because of it  being such an ordeal. I just started introducing her slowly to a halter and cant use any devices to hold her still long enough just yet. Tonight, my hubby and son will try and hold her, so wish us luck. Got any horse whispering advice?
  • What kind of meds?  Oral, eye drops, shots?  Usually w/ that small of a foal an arm around the chest and one around the butt while sideways in a corner of the stall works.  Foals are notoriously itchy and sometimes you can distract them by scratching that "right" spot too and just get the meds over quickly.
    Goodluck and hope she's OK.
  • Someone here mentioned applesauce in a medicine syringe (no needle) like a wormer tube thing?  Mix the medicine in that?  Or get her to take it with some mush? (like applesauce, hot bran...etc....)
  • The meds are oral. Diarsanyl, probios, and metronidazole. I crush the pills & mix with molasses and give with syringe. Last night we struggled a bit with her and did conclude that backing her in to a corner helped control her much better. I couldnt do it by myself this morning so she missed her morning dose. Her diarrhea has cleared up so I didnt feel quite as bad missing the dose. I still want to get a handle on doing it myself, just havent figured it out yet. Thanks
  • Maybe just patience and repetition.  Sounds like you've got a system going.