My three year old is absolultly terrified of the water hose, and walking through water, oh my, you would think that its lava. I'm working on the walking through water and we have made good 

rogress, but he is so so dirty. When I go out to take off his fly mask i have to wash the dirt caked on my hands off when I get back in the house. I have a suspicion that he might have been beaten with a water hose when he was a baby (he was abused) and I have tried just taking him out wetting his feet (which is actually kinda funny, he looks like a cat kind of when the water first hits him he jumps and if he had more fur it would stand on end LOL) then putting him back and just doing that over and over but there is no progress there, at all. I have been doing that for two weeks and I haven't been able to get any higher than his knees before he starts freaking out and pulling back.
My main question is, is there an alternative to bathing just to get him a little cleaner? I heard of using baby wipes once, does that work?
and the obvious underlying question, any suggestions about the fear of the water hose?
thanks guys!