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How should I go about my horse's coat shedding: To Clip or not to Clip

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How should I go about my horse's coat shedding: To Clip or not to Clip
  • I am a new horse owner and i've been around horses all my life, i'm not sure what to do on this subject. All of my horses are shedding something fierce.  I groom every day, but thier hair just keeps coming!  I'm starting to lunge and ride them agian after thier winter break. But it's taking longer for them to cool out. Do you suggest that I full body clip them, or should i just let it go naturally? Thanks!
  •   I would just put up with the shedding.  If you body clip now, your summer coats just won't have the normal summer sheen.
  • They'll get there eventually.  My preference is to let them be as natural as possible.  Cooling them out gives you some time to give back to the horse and spend some quality time with your horse, plus good exercise for you!
  • They'll shed out before  you know it.
    I personally sort of like it when they're shedding...it's strangely gratifying to be able to help them get rid of all that hair, and see it come off.
    Plus I brush them so much this time of the year, their manes and tails are always shiny and their faces and feet are always clean. Once they shed off I'm not so diligent about it.