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Miss You Charlie

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Miss You Charlie
  • We had to take our beagle Charlie in yesterday and have him put to sleep. He had a very good live was 15, he had lot of old age problems. Not a good year for us. Had to put our 10 yr. old Great Dane down in Dec.
    Now the 2 of them are good as new and running all over the place with my son. Have fun guys!
  • Sorry to hear about your pets and your son. 
    remember they will all be waiting for you when it is your time.
    and you will be able to join in on all the fun they are having.
  • I'm so sorry.  Its hard when we lose our fur kids.  {{HUGS}}
  • Big hugs my friend. I'm sorry for your lose.
  • Aw....shucks.....  Godspeed good ol' Charlie-boy. [&o]
  • Thanks everyone. Believe me 2nd. Chance I'm looking forward to going and meeting with them again. I'm ready for that hug from my son.
  • Just had to do that last June and it is never easy.  So sorry to hear of your loss.
  • Hugs to you!  It's just never easy.