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help! im so confused!!

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help! im so confused!!
  • Ok, here is my confusing story. I bought a 5 yr old QH cross, Sallie, on Feb. 21, 2009. I bought her to be my barrel horse and to haul around to shows. The place I bought her from is a big rescue farm with all kinds of breeds of horses. The girl there had gotten Sallie from her ex husband in TN who couldn#%92t afford to keep her anymore. She got Sallie in October or November and put her up for sale because she had no room for her. In Feb. I went and tried her out and loved her. I brought her home and trail rode her everyday for a good month. After awhile she started bucking on the barrel pattern. It went from kicking her back feet up every once in a while to full blown out “get off of me” bucking. I was out running her in a field with a friend and she started bucking and didn#%92t stop until I hit the ground. She took off running, and then came back to stand by my side. i dusted off and got back on and she didn#%92t buck after that… just wanted to go home. After trying to work with her for weeks I gave up and decided she needed to go to a home where someone could fix the bucking. I listed her for sale and got a few bites, but I started to notice her belly was getting pretty round and she was getting more and more moody. In mid July I had a vet out who looked at her and said “90% chance she is pregnant, I would expect a foal late summer/early fall.” Since then Sallie has developed a small bag and when you squeeze here teat clear milk comes out (I have been able to “milk” her for 2 or 3 weeks). I decided to have a vet come out and look at her again to see why I didn#%92t have a foal yet. The vet did an internal inspection and said that she couldn#%92t feel a foal in there at all, but said that it could have been lying just out of her reach. Sallie is very wide now, but doesn#%92t hang low hardly at all. I talked to her previous owners and they said they have 2 stallions, a grey QH (who has never gotten out of his pen) and a Belgian (who gets out a lot). Sallie#%92s vulva is pretty loose and pink on the inside (she is a black horse and its usually black in there). when i was looking at her last night her belly was "lopsided" and hanging to her right a lot (if this means anything?). Now I just want to know if she is pregnant or not! If she isn#%92t than I can take her off of mare and foal feed and start trying to ride her again, but if she is pregnant I will keep her on the feed and I won#%92t ride her. She isn#%92t exposed to any stallions out here, and her only pasture buddy is a 14 year old QH gelding. What are your guys#%92 ideas for her… pregnant or not? I#%92m confused! Thanks! pics at horsegroomingsupplies.com/horse-forums/can-some-one-help-me-im-so-305450
  • I guess I've never heard of a vet not being able to feel a foal, especially as far along as it sounds like she is.  Could they do an ultrasound, listen for a heartbeat?  Is there another vet you could get a 2nd opinion from?  Goodluck! 
    Your bucking issue could be a saddle fit problem.  We have a gelding that does the kicking out, then evolves to bucking whenever he's ridden western but doesn't when ridden English.  Just haven't been able to find a western saddle that fits him well yet........
  • it sounds to me like she is pregnant, although, iv never been able to "milk" any of my mares; truth be told theyd murder me if i tryed. just keep an eye on her behaviour out in the paddock and keep a close eye on her udder, also if you have time. watch hes stomach just infront of her flanks. just watch to see any movement.
  •  "I bought a 5 yr old QH cross, Sallie, on Feb. 21, 2009."

    Did you get your date wrong? or am I misunderstanding you?  If you bought her in '09 and brought her home then, there is no way she would still be in foal in November '10.  

    I had a mare once that went 51 weeks from breeding to foaling and another that would produce a bag with liquid if fussed with enough.

    She is a nice looking mare and I hope she comes around for you.  Saddle fit is important as the others here have pointed out.
  • In another thread somewhere someone said DON'T  MILK THEM since that first milk is so vital for the baby's survival. 
    I'd treat her as pregnant.  But she shouldn't buck you no matter what!  Sounds like she's uncomfortable with whatever you were doing with her at the time....  I guess she taught you!   [':)']  (be safe)