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Sick Horse

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Sick Horse
  •  I could really use some help figuring out what is wrong with one of my horses.
    He wont eat, wont drink, has the most unusual looking stuff coming out of his nose I've ever seen. I don't know if it is related or not but, all of our horses have been eating the bark off of the trees, but they are also eating the cedar trees as well.
      If anyone can help we would really appreciate it. Thanks
  • You should call your Veterinarian ASAP. There are several things that can exhibit those symptoms. Any time a horse will not eat and/or drink is a big problem. What color is the discharge from his nose? Is he fully vaccinated? Have you seen any fresh manure? Any Diarrhea? Any coughing? Any other horses showing any symptoms? These and more are all questions you should be prepared to answer. Hope your horse feels better soon. Keep us updated.
  • Ditto.  Call a vet.
  • A vet needs summoned. Unusual? Can you elaborate please is it clear, milky, white, or green?