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Thoroughbreds Vs. Quarter Horses

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Thoroughbreds Vs. Quarter Horses
  • Ok, so Rocco is an appendix.. so hes quarter horse and TB. What are some of the advantages of having a TB and/or QH? Im guessing TB's are better at jumping? but im clueless. haha. Let me know what breed you think is better!
  • Neither breed is "better" but rather it depends on what you want to do with the horse.  Thoroughbreds tend to be added to the bloodlines to add athleticism and speed.  As to the QH - it depends on the lines.  QHs have a lot of "specialty" lines that excel in different areas - reining, halter, WP, etc.  However - your general QH is considered an "all around" ranch horse that can do most anything.  Originally they got their name as Quarter horses because they were used for quarter mile racing.  TBs *tend* to be more hot blooded and spirited than QHs - but this is not always the case.

    As to the title of "appendix" - that really doesn't mean much.  Your horse may not have had TB blood added for several generations and still be considered "appendix" because no one bothered to meet the performance criteria for full QH papers.  I had a QH filly and her only TB was three bars which was 3 generations back.  She also blew the "laid back QH" stereo type right out of the water.  She was a very firey red-head who knew what she wanted and didn't want - and boy did she like to run!
  • Yeah. Rocco has most thoroughbred blood in him, but does have a little bit of QH. He is very spirited and will gallop for miles.. haha,
  • T'breds have always been my favorite breed.  Never had one.  They're too much horse for me.  I had a QH growing up and he was wonderful, though soured over fences.  My Stb's are awesome, too.  I love other breeds, too.  But t'breds have my heart.
  • i have never ridden a full blooded TB(or been around one) all the horses i have ridden with a lttle TB blood have been dilluted with QH my horse would be called an appendix but half of him is arab and the other half is QH and TB so...half appendix lol
    i think the arab and TB in my horse is the hot blooded part of him that has an attitude and likes to haul butt but the QH brings him down and makes him focus and despite his odd conformation he is actually very good at cutting and can do amazing cow work i think having a horse with QH blood is good seeing as they are a verstile breed and most have very good head's about them, JMO but i've never ridden a full blooded TB so until then i lean toward the QH